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Tell me, is it real? 🫨 That's right! @ZB1_official is making its way to Manila for their 2024 ZEROBASEONE THE FIRST TOUR [TIMELESS WORLD] IN MANILA on October 12, 2024. The @MOAArena is going to be transformed into our very own Kidz Zone, ZEROSE! 💙 Get ready to bloom with excitement! 🌹

More details coming soon.


'ZEROBASEONE > Twitter' 카테고리의 다른 글

2024.07.15  (0) 2024.07.15
2024.07.15  (0) 2024.07.15
2024.07.14  (0) 2024.07.14
2024.07.14  (0) 2024.07.14
2024.07.10  (0) 2024.07.10